Thursday, September 13, 2007

What & Why Books

Title: Gone With the Wind
Author: Margaret Mitchell
Publisher: The Macmillan Company
Parent Company: George Von Holtzbrinck Publishing Group
Brief Summary of Content: The setting takes place in the state of Georgia before, during, and after the Civil War in the 1800’s. It focuses on the life of Scarlett O’ Hara and her personality and social life with others in her life. Scarlett is used to show how the lifestyle of the south and its people were affected by the war and its aftermath.
Type of Book: Trade Book
Type of Reader: I am a casual reader.
Q & A: I watched the movie before reading the book and after watching the movie I wanted to read the book. I found the book in my school library and it took me a long to read all 1025 pages of the book. I felt I achieved something important even though it seems so insignificant because I knew I had just finished reading a great American classic. I would definitely recommend this book. I think everybody should read this book because it is a classic and if not this classic some other classic. If I recommend Gone With the Wind, then I would have to recommend Margaret Mitchell because
Gone With the Wind is the only book she ever wrote. I do believe there is an underlying of the story. Margaret Mitchell was a southerner and I think she was trying to make it seem like slave owning southerners did not treat the slaves bad and she was trying to teach America that the south was really good.


Kristen G said...

I have heard that this book is really good but have not gotten around to reading it yet. One of my best friends absolutely loves it! Maybe I will find some time here soon to start reading it.

AlanC com130 said...

I haven't read the book, but i have seen the movie. Which wasn't to bad.

Megan said...

Wow that is a really long book! Did you think that the book or the movie was better? Where they alot like or not?

David H. said...

If Gone with the Wind is her only book, than it's interesting how that author made a classic on her first and only try at writing a book.

Margaret Maloney said...

I should read this book sometime! It sounds like it would be a good book to get into.